Emergency Dental Care

Aurora Dental is here for you whenever you need us. If you experience a dental emergency during our normal office hours, immediate attention will be given to your situation and we will make arrangements to see you as soon as we’re able to.
Not all dental emergencies are limited to office hours. If you need assistance when our practice is closed, call our office and follow the instructions provided. One of our team members will return your call as soon as possible. In case of a serious or life-threatening emergency, call 911 right away or go to your closest emergency room for treatment.
Here are instructions for handling some of the most common dental emergencies:
In case of a toothache…
Rinse your mouth with warm water, then gently floss down to the gum line to remove any food particles that may be lodged in the gum tissue around the affected tooth. If this doesn’t help or if the area around the tooth feels warm, call our office for an appointment.
If your lip, gum, cheek, or tongue gets cut…
Use a clean washcloth or sterile gauze to apply pressure and stop any bleeding, then use an ice pack to reduce swelling. If you cannot bring the bleeding under control, call your physician or go to your nearest emergency room.
If a baby tooth gets knocked out…
Call our office for an appointment. We cannot replace knocked out baby teeth, but we will evaluate your child for soft tissue damage and determine whether a space maintainer is needed.
If a permanent tooth gets knocked out…
Call our office right away, as immediate treatment is needed. Do not touch the root of the tooth; instead, hold it by the crown and rinse it gently to remove any dirt or dust. If you feel comfortable doing so, place the tooth back into the socket and bite down on clean gauze to hold it in place. Otherwise, put the tooth in a small cup of saliva or milk and bring it to your appointment.
If a tooth gets chipped or broken…
Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water; if you’re experiencing swelling, use a cold compress for relief. Place the piece of broken tooth in a small cup of milk or saliva and bring it to our office. Call us for an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions About Emergency Dentistry
When should I go to the ER for tooth pain?
If your tooth pain is severe and our office is closed, you may want to go to the ER, but keep in mind that the ER doesn’t have dentists on staff, so you will still need to come to our office once we’re open. An ER can provide pain management, drain an abscess, and provide antibiotics in case of an infection, but they cannot provide the dental care you need.
What helps unbearable tooth pain?
Unbearable tooth pain is usually a sign that there is something serious wrong with the affected tooth. This cannot be resolved without dental treatment. Schedule an appointment with us and, in the meantime, you can alleviate the pain using over-the-counter pain relievers, numbing gel, or cold compresses.
Is a broken crown an emergency?
A broken crown may or may not be a dental emergency, depending on the circumstances. If you’re experiencing pain or the tooth structure under your crown has broken off, this is a dental emergency and you should call our office for an emergency appointment. Otherwise, we will want to see you promptly to replace your crown, but it doesn’t necessarily require a same-day appointment.